Pro tip for anyone deep in research: don’t let lack of cupholder stop you. Waitress aprons are also an option—but let’s be honest—you’re going to forget to take that off when you walk around the office.
App design based on a podcast
After I left Jackrabbit Mobile, I kept my skills sharp by giving myself assignments to sketch out whatever app idea came into my head. Around the same time, the podcast Bubble was released.
Welcome to Fairhaven, a literal Bubble of corporate utopia set amid the wild, goblin-infested Brush. The first scripted comedy series from Maximum Fun, Bubble was created by Jordan Morris, and tells the tale of a small band of monster killers struggling to make ends meet and find love in a nightmarish version of the gig economy.
I took notes anytime they mentioned the app…
Read MoreDouble diamond
A visualization to help set expectations + vocab with non-designers.
I created this diagram [below] while working at Jackrabbit Mobile, to help explain the design process to coworkers and clients alike. I used the Double Diamond by Dan Nester as a jumping off point. When I shared that diagram with non-designers, I found that it was good at orienting people to the work I was doing, but it took a lot of explanation.
I broke out the things non-designers wanted to know and created my own version of the Double Diamond:
What are the phases of design?
What happens in each of those phases?
When can we expect X deliverable?
Sex Ed Research & Hackathon
Findings from research on sexual health that informed a project at ATX Hack for Change 2017.
Note: Not entirely safe for work.
In the fall of 2015, Celine Thibault, David Bill and I worked on an ethnographic research project focused on the sexual health of low income women. We spoke to 16 different women from all walks of life: nurses, sex educators, waitresses, strippers, artists, christians, teenagers, and mothers. Everyone's experience with sex and sexuality is deeply personal. I'm grateful to all of the folks who shared their stories with us.
Read MoreWiked
A video about wicked problems made in answer to an assignment at AC4D.
Follow an intrepid young designer on a quest to solve all the world's problems. Can he do it!?
Read MoreFoTO
An idea for a crowd-sourced photo app that I can’t decide to love or hate.
I had a few photography incidents recently that made me think about how photography fits into people's lives:
A friend was driving me home, and had her phone in her lap. At a stoplight, she showed the instagram photo she'd been looking at. (That phone was confiscated for the rest of the trip.)
I needed a photo of myself, and the only good ones I could find were self portraits. (In a past life I was a photographer).
I went to dinner at another friend's house and she was lamenting the amazing lives of far-away friends she was seeing on social media. I told her my photography mantra: No one takes photos when they're really engaged with the people around them. Some people can remind themselves to take photos when they want to capture a great time, but it generally takes everyone out of the moment.
I used these observations to play around with an idea for a photo service that I find simultaneously terrifying and... kind of cool.
Read MoreBubblr
A thought exercise about distributing voices on social media.
Bubblr was a product I imagined during my Q4 Theory class at AC4D. We had 5 readings (listed at the bottom of this post) that talked about power dynamics relating to work, culture, and our roles within each. Our assignment was to create an artifact to illustrate our thinking on the topic.
I started by abstracting ideas from the readings based on different roles: those holding on to power, those empowering others, those giving up their power. For each of the readings, I wrote my take-away for each role.
Read MoreOpenly Quizzes
A dive into the thinking behind Openly’s personality quizzes.
Openly is a service that helps couples show they care. The idea was developed by Sophie Kwok and I as a 9 month project at AC4D. Read the full story.
The first thing users do when they start Openly is take a quiz based on the Five Love Languages. We used an existing framework for this section because a lot of couples already understand Love Languages, or how they best feel loved. The five Languages are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, and Acts of Service. The idea is that way you feel loved may not match your partner, and you may sometimes have to translate your actions to your partner's "language" to understand that you both care.
Read MoreColdTowne Theater
Worked with a local improv theater to improve retention rates for new students.
Identified perceived problems in joining the community.
Prototyped changes to the physical space and developed strategies to reduce social pressure.
ColdTowne Theater tested our changes, and will be making them permanent.
At AC4D, Philip Koske and I took on a two month service design project at ColdTowne Theater in Austin, TX. ColdTowne is an comedy theater with shows 7 nights a week. They boast a vibrant community of improv-comics, teach classes, and become a second home to many of the people who perform there. ColdTowne students develop the skills to be more creative, open, and confident with others by learning and playing with professional comedy techniques.
Read MoreSongs in the Sitting Room
Forward-looking ideas for a local music collective called Songs in the Sitting Room, featuring some illustrations I’m really proud of.
Songs in the Sitting Room is a group in Austin, TX dedicated to finding and promoting local musicians. Miranda Hoffman, Sophie Kwok and I had the honor of working on ideas to help the group grow and move out of their living room and into a venue. I illustrated some of our top ideas.
For 6 months, Songs in the Sitting Room was a concert series held in increasingly crowded rooms around town. SITSR talked to us about their dream venue, and vision of helping connect local artists to their community. SITSR wants to create an environment where all kinds of creative people are able to meet, be inspired, and hear great music.
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